Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sunny, with a chance of a shower!!

Back at the beginning of March, the most amazing thing happened!! Marla, Judith, and Whitney hosted an incredible shower for me and Baby Thomas in Ruston. Well, back then it was just "Baby Hoffmann" since we hadn't decided on a name yet.

There were LOTS of presents, lots of great people, and lots of delicious food. Even two of Matt's aunts came!! I loved all the decorations and may have ended up taking most of them home with me to try out in the nursery. [No, the nursery isn't even started yet....] Pictures!!

Let me just say that these cupcakes were amazing. I ate half a lemon blueberry one at the shower (don't tell my nutritionist!) and may have teared up a bit. Matt ate like three and took the rest to work. They got RAVE reviews. And aren't they adorable!!! 

The hostesses with the mostest! And Alice! Alice was so well-behaved during the shower. She may have been asleep for most of it, but when she was awake, she was a doll!! Even if Henry was scared of her.

It was a the most perfect shower and I'm so thankful to everyone who was there or sent a gift. Little baby H is already spoiled! And so is his momma, for sure.  Thank you!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Things I'm LOVING right now

I know, my last post was a bit of a downer. It's taken me a few weeks (and more than one ugly cry session) but I'm more or less over it. I am eating like I should with a little experimentation. My fingertips have toughened up. I've pretty much adjusted to this crazy new routine. Today, I'm tired and a little down so I decided to make a list of things that are making me happy right now.  Here goes:

1.  Seeing the baby move. Excuse me, seeing Thomas move. I don't just feel him wiggling around in my stomach anymore, I can actually see him. My stomach changes shape (which is a little weird) and ripples and waves. It's both CREEPY and AMAZING.

2.  Vanilla flavored light and fit greek yogurt with strawberries. I can have 6 ounces of yogurt with a cup of strawberries. This combonation is delightful. I'm out of both right now and regular ol' Oikos with fruit on the bottom just isn't doing it for me. My mouth sometimes waters when I think about it. I see a shopping trip in my future. Yes, the price of strawberries is high right now but I don't even care. Not even a little.

3.  Naps. Never before have I been able to nap so deeply and so well. Nowadays, if I need a nap, I go lay down, fall asleep instantly (yes, while listening to HP) and sleep for a good two hours. And then wake up feeling rested and refreshed. It probably helps that there is nothing to wake me up and that work is so understanding. I even napped in my jeans today without a problem. That never happens.

4. My evening walks with Matt. I'm not going to lie, this is now my favorite part of the day. After supper, we go out and walk the streets of our neighborhood for anywhere from 35 minutes to an hour. We talk, we catch up, we try to keep Giselle from attacking everything in sight. No distractions, just the two (or three) of us. When the weather doesn't cooperate or he is gone for the evening, the treadmill isn't even appealing even though I can watch TV while I'm walking. I think he and I will have to make evening walks a part of our routine even after the baby comes.

5. I love (LOVE, LOVE LOVE) that our baby has a name. It tooks us quite a few conversations and about thirty weeks, but we have a name. I'm working more on calling him that when I talk to him or refer to him. It's been a challenge, but I bet once he's here, it will be no challenge at all.

There, five great things about life right now. Now, I think I hear a nap calling my name....