Monday, December 7, 2015

Quality Requires Quantity.

I can't help it, I've got to follow the crowd and post some highlights from our family Christmas photo session.

But first, a little note about our session. Our session was with Drew, not a professional photographer. He has a fancy camera and has really learned a lot about how to use it so he does a pretty dang good job. Maybe having Drew take them was a mistake. Maybe had a stranger been there to snap some shots of our darling little boy, it would have been fine. As it is, it took 114 photographs to get 1 good-ish picture. Hence the title of this post. There are no soul-warming photographs here. If you want that, click here. If you want to cringe and laugh in equal measure, keep scrolling.

Believe it or not, our oldest child was the most well-behaved during actual shooting. Prior to the pictures and directly after them, she was a madwoman bent on canine destruction.

But I digress.

The captions are Thomas's thoughts. If he could say the words he thinks, I'm pretty sure he'd have quite the snarky mouth.

"Mommy, don't touch me! I don't like it when you touch me!" 

"Now you are both touching me! Stop it! I'm SO upset!" 

"Look, a star! A King is Born!" 

"I'll do it, I'll jump. Just tell me to smile ONE MORE TIME!" 

"Giselle is too close to me! So is Mommy; get away, Mommy!" 

Notice Giselle's face. She's growing at another dog. Probably seconds away from charging. 

Oh family photos. What an adventure. In patience.

Merry Christmas! I hope your holiday season is filled with fewer tears than this fifteen minutes held.