Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Adventures in Tallahassee - Escaping Hurricane Hermine

The title is misleading. We didn't run from the hurricane. Instead, we ran from the power outage. Y'all, Tallahassee heat and humidity is no joke. We say Louisiana is bad, come to Tallahassee. Actually, don't. Let's all just leave Tallahassee.

But I  digress.

In early September, a little rainstorm named Hurricane Hermine came to town. It didn't have much of an impact on property except for power lines. All of Tallahassee was without power. We dealt with it for 24 hours without a problem. But the heat, oh my heavens the heat. Probably the humidity was the worse of the two, but still. We'd get in the car and drive around to charge our phones (that didn't work) and get some AC. After two nights without air and absolutely no hope of a quick repair (we live about ten minutes away from town in a purely residential area and the city focused on the hospitals and businesses first, after getting the power station back running) (I should also say that Tallahassee owns their own power company full of very efficient and hard-working men and women but because of that and the way that electrical unions work, the city couldn't call in reinforcements to help. In fact, it wasn't until the fifth day without power and LOTS of backlash did the mayor allow other companies from surrounding cities to come in.), we decided to leave. We headed to Jacksonville for a weekend of cool air and the zoo!

Down to diapers....

Jacksonville is a four-hour drive from Tally. The first thing we did, was put Thomas down for a nap. The hotel didn't have any cribs right when we got there so this little man slept on a pallet in the closet. We got a crib after the first nap but it was too big for the room because we also had  Giselle with us and she had to be crated when we weren't in the room, thus, little man slept in the closet the whole weekend.

After a nap for Thomas (and a shower for his mommy), we went to the zoo! The Jacksonville zoo is top-notch. I love the BR zoo but this one was more on par with the Audubon zoo in Nola. We went both days that we were in town!  

On Sunday, we went to the zoo first thing in the morning and then we went shopping! Thomas fell in love with Pottery Barn Kids. I wish that I was kidding. He got very upset when it was time to leave. I almost bought this hundred dollar sheep rocker because of how much he loved it. And because I am a sucker.

While we hadn't planned on going to J-ville when we did, we had a great time and loved getting out of Tallahassee. We went back home on Monday and I started some clean out of the fridge and freezer. We still had no estimation of when power would be turned back on so we decided that since Matt had to be at work early Tuesday morning and look professional and clean-shaven, that we'd find a hotel in town with power for the night. Luckily, about half of the town had power by that point so we were able to find a place. We ended up getting power back about 9 Monday night, but we decided to stay put and enjoy not having to make the bed Tuesday morning.  In the end, it took Tally and the outside companies about a week to get power back to the whole city. I'm pretty sure the mayor still has egg on his front door though....