So as I was driving down the road today listening to the saddest song I've heard in a long time, I decided to make a list of little known things about me.
1. I hate talk radio in the morning. I makes me want to scream. I don't just mean public radio, I mean weather updates, traffic congestion, commercials, etc. If it isn't singing, I don't want to hear it.
2. When I grow up, I will have a designated tea time each day. This is not negotiable.
3. Dr. Pepper can make any day better. Ask Matt, he knows it is my pancea.
4. I love love love the zoo. In fact, if anybody is up for going, I'm free tomorrow.
5. I'm not a fan of milk. Plus, I can't drink anything other than skim milk. Don't try to make me. It won't be pretty.
6. I pester a lot. Not fester, pester.
7. I have a scar on my left cheek from where a little boy pinched me in daycare twenty years ago. To this day, I am not friends with him on Facebook.
8. I don't like chips (or corn tortillas) in casseroles. Don't tell my mom. She'll be crushed.
9. My goal is to drink 100 ounces of water each day. I usually fail miserably.
10. LSU/EBR has recently acquired a fleet of white buses to transport students/citizens around town. They remind me of prison buses. My morale goes down every time I see one because I think they are full of future prisoners. I am a firm believer in self-fulfilling prophecies.
11. I bet your curious about what song I am talking about in the opening line.
1. I hate talk radio in the morning. I makes me want to scream. I don't just mean public radio, I mean weather updates, traffic congestion, commercials, etc. If it isn't singing, I don't want to hear it.
2. When I grow up, I will have a designated tea time each day. This is not negotiable.
3. Dr. Pepper can make any day better. Ask Matt, he knows it is my pancea.
4. I love love love the zoo. In fact, if anybody is up for going, I'm free tomorrow.
5. I'm not a fan of milk. Plus, I can't drink anything other than skim milk. Don't try to make me. It won't be pretty.
6. I pester a lot. Not fester, pester.
7. I have a scar on my left cheek from where a little boy pinched me in daycare twenty years ago. To this day, I am not friends with him on Facebook.
8. I don't like chips (or corn tortillas) in casseroles. Don't tell my mom. She'll be crushed.
9. My goal is to drink 100 ounces of water each day. I usually fail miserably.
10. LSU/EBR has recently acquired a fleet of white buses to transport students/citizens around town. They remind me of prison buses. My morale goes down every time I see one because I think they are full of future prisoners. I am a firm believer in self-fulfilling prophecies.
11. I bet your curious about what song I am talking about in the opening line.
I love the zoo, too! Maybe next time we are in the same city, we can go. Good luck with finals!