Saturday, January 9, 2010

Leggo my Eggo!!

So apparently, Kellogg's is having trouble meeting the demand for the Eggo waffles due to the closing of two of their four plants.

Personally, I am devastated. To think, I am going to have to go without waffles until the summer of 2010. How in the world will I go on? I may die.

Oh wait a minute. I can make waffles myself!! Incredible!! How silly of me to think that my waffle supply would be cut off forever.

This may be a good time to tell you that I have never eaten an Eggo waffle in my life. Know why? Well, let's see... my mother made waffles from scratch. What's that you may ask. It is this amazing process where one takes all of the ingredients for a dish and combines them and heats them in such a way as to create an edible product. Granted, usually my mom would add not so edible ingredients like dried apricots or flax seed, but all in all, she can make a pretty mean waffle. In fact, now that I have flown the nest, I make a mean waffle myself. And no, it doesn't come from a cardboard box.

The linked article above shares the story of one mom who bought a box and planned to ration the waffles for her four-year old daughter. I wish that I knew that woman. First I would shake her. Then I would take her a few aisles back in the store and show her flour, eggs, milk, and the lovely waffle-iron. Happily, in this technological world we live in, there is actually a piece of equipment known as the Belgian waffle maker that makes exact replicas of the treasured Eggo waffle. Then I would teach her the correct waffle-making process.

What's that saying - If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.

I think this woman, and perhaps most of America, needs to invest in a good rod and reel.

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