Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Soldier Comes Home... For a Little While

You know when you watch the news and they show a story about a soldier coming back from overseas and rejoining his family? When those bits of happiness come on the television, I have to change the channel or leave the room. I cry every time. Like a baby. It doesn't matter that I don't know the people; I still bawl. Yesterday, after eight months of deployment to Afghanistan, a friend of ours, Josh Rux, came home for his R and R. That's right, not even home for good, but home for a little while. It will be hard for him and his family in a few weeks when he has to go back, but they will be okay. They are a military family and sacrificing for their country is what they do best.

What makes Josh's return especially poignant is that while he was away, his wife, Hanna, of three years gave birth to their first child. Little Charlie is six weeks old and as precious as a June bug. He sleeps a lot but I'll take a sleeping baby over a crying baby any day of the week. While Josh and Charlie (and Hanna, of course) have seen each other via the internet, Josh had not gotten to hold him or give him a sweet little kiss. Yesterday, he got to do both. I am so glad that he is back for a visit and that he will get to spend some much needed time with his family. Hopefully, he'll be back on American GRASS for good soon and away from those Afghani deserts. Until then, we will enjoy him while he is home and pray for his safety while he is away. Thank you for helping to protect our freedom, Josh.

look at the baby toes under his arm...


  1. This spacing is giving me fits.

  2. I read this story this morning. It's so sweet! I can't believe I just met her!!!
