Monday, August 1, 2011

It is finished (for now).

I'm done with the Bar exam!!! I'm about 100% positive that I didn't pass it so I'll have to start studying again pretty soon, but for about a week, I'm going to take the week off. No work, no studying, just whatever I want. Because I am a list-maker, I made a list of the things I can't wait to do. Here are some of my favorites:

1. Clean my house. It needs it. Badly.

2. Cook fun things for supper. Things that take more than two minutes in the microwave.

3. RUN!! Well, walk and jog. I haven't exercised in months.

4. Finish all those thank you cards I have left to write. I'm rather excited about this because I've had to put them off for so long and I got some major thanking to do!

5. Read. For fun.

6. Merge the bank accounts. I know, it's about time.

7. Unpack the last of my boxes and box up some things that we just don't have room for right now. I had to add "right now" because I hate ending sentences with prepositions.

8. Not feeling guilty for doing something else than studying. Like blogging. Or sleeping.

9. Starting to wage a war against the dog hair in the house. I. will. win.

10. Not having to cross everything off my lists. This time, it really can wait until tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. No. 11 Get together with me. ;)

    Seriously, got plans for Friday and Saturday? We're painting Friday and maybe Sat, too. Depends. At any rate, you could see the house and there might be free pizza for you involved... lol!
