I've never been a Buddist. Or a Nudist. Or any of those other crazy -ists. However, I'm a firm believer in Karma. With a capital 'k.' As in, I think that our actions of yesterday completely effect tomorrow. I may not be on the same level as other Karmanians (I mean, reincarnation, really?), but I think it does play a role. Or perhaps, I just think that our decisions and actions or inactions have consequences. Maybe that's a simpler (and even wrong) interpretation of Karma, but it's what I think. Now that I think on it, the word may not be capitalized. I don't know. And I really don't care.
Yesterday, it started raining. And it rained, and rained, and rained. In fact, it's still raining - but I'll get to that later.
Last night I got in my little car and drove to a friend's apartment for a birthday celebration and a little crafting. Roads were slightly flooded, but let's be serious, ol' Paula can get through anything (Impala = Paula). And she did. After the festivities, I went to get back in my little car and drive home only to realize that one of my tires had gone flat. I know, fun. Well, since it was raining and 9 o'clock at night, I called my knight in shining armor to come and pick me up. I have no interest in trying to change a tire in the pouring rain and dark. No thank you. Matt came to rescue me and even drove me to work today (and will pick me up). I know, he's great. So, back to the flat tire. It happens. Not the end of the world.
Know what is the end of the world?
The death of my ipod.
And having no water.
And that's what happened. Thankfully, my ipod is fine, but remember all that rain and flooding I told you about earlier? Yeah, it caused a water main to burst. Which, in turn, caused the water to my house to be turned off. Bam - end of the world. Maybe just the world on Gilbert Drive, but the world nonetheless.
Two bad things. In less than 24 hours. It's Karma. Unlike Maria, somewhere in my childhood (or mid-adulthood), I must have done something bad. Maybe something mean. I don't know, but I'm not a fan. I wish there was like a karma-confessional or something. Though, right now I'm not sure what I would confess. Wait, there are towels waiting to be folded at my house. And, I did pull Giselle's tail on Monday for no reason. That's what it was. The dog's tail. I should have known when she gave me that awful sad look afterwards that there would be retribution.
I'm sorry, Giselle. I didn't mean to hurt you and I won't do it again.
Also, I'll just take the cost of the tire out of your treat allowance. You know, you did cause my tire to go flat, even if it was somewhat indirectly. Take that, Karma.
Bwahaha!! Giselle may have a voodoo doll of you somewhere.