Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Dog welcomes owner after 9 day trip

First, let me say that this post is going to be a bit ridiculously video-laden. I do not mean to be offensive or lessen the sacrifice of our soldiers and their families with my comparison of a long vacation to an overseas deployment. I do mean to be funny. If I can put a little smirk on your face, then I'm happy.  Also, I should note that my video has not been edited. If I knew how to do that fancy stuff, I would have. I talk a lot in the video and you can hear it clearly because I'm holding the camera. Feel free to watch it with the volume off. I promise, I won't mind.

First up: US Soldier reunites with dog:

Next up: Soldier welcomed home by happy dog: This one doesn't actually start until like 2:30 so fast forward. I mean, who wants to watch a dog look out the window for two minutes? Not me.

Seeing my dog on the day I got back from Afghanistan:

My favorite: Dog goes crazy when soldier comes home: This one is sweet.

And now, for the grand finale: Dog welcomes owner home after 9 day trip: 

1 comment:

  1. Awww!!! That is too sweet!! The smile on her face is just precious!

    We picked Vicki up after being at grandparents for a week. She was happy to see us...but NOTHING like G. It was like, "Oh, you're back. I like you pretty well. Hi!" Not, "Ohmygoshimissedyousomuchwhydidyouleavemepleaseneverleavemeagain." I think Giselle loves y'all more, haha!
