It's taken me 17 days, but I've finally decided on my resolutions. Completely doable resolutions. Last year's were a bit too abstract and too numerous, but now I've got better goals.
1. Clean the kitchen every night before going to bed. Including the dishes. I want an empty sink by bedtime. I can do that, I swear.
2. Starting today, yoga everyday. I just bought some DVDs that have 10-minute routines. I can spare ten minutes.
3. Eat less, exercise more.
4. Compliment at least one person every day.
5. File mail and other documents as soon as I receive them. I currently have a "to-file" stack about a foot high. It's ridiculous. But no more!
There, five completely do-able things that will make my life (and hopefully the lives of the people around me) a little bit better. It's going to happen.
Mother of pearl, your number five made me remember a very important bill that I need to pay ASAP....UGH. Lol!! Maybe that should be my resolution, too!!