Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Let's Talk About Sleep

Since 2009 or so, I have been nearly unable to fall asleep without Jim. Jim Dale, that is. Reading Harry Potter to me. Via my Ipod. There have been countless scares when something has happened to my Ipod or the potential was there for something to happen. I have seriously lost sleep worrying about not being able to sleep. My dependence on Jim was unhealthy. My husband wasn't a fan. It was affecting nearly every day of my life.

But now, I don't need Jim.

After the first few weeks with Thomas, I discovered that I had broken the chains on my dependence. Now, I am proud to say that I can be asleep within four seconds of my head hitting the pillow at night time. It's both embarrassing and wonderful. Matt gets frustrated with me because I will be asleep before he gets his contacts out for the night even though I get in bed just as he goes to the bathroom. I'm pretty sure Jim's lonely too. I can even sleep in a car now. It's quite impressive. Our Gentle Giraffe for Thomas knocks me out faster than Jim ever could. Again, kind of embarrassing.

I do still listen to Jim. Now just for fun and not to sleep. I don't need him anymore.

That ain't a bad thing.

1 comment:

  1. As soon as I crawl into bed EVERY night, it's like the most magical feeling in the entire world. Especially with clean sheets and a freshly bathed dog. Just saying.

    However, I think it's absolutely hilarious that you listened to Harry Potter every night before bed. That's awesome.
