Monday, October 13, 2014

5 months!!

This month, I'm a week late. Get used to it....

This month was a tough one. You no longer sleep more than four hours at a time, rarely more than two. You nap three to four times a day for about twenty or thirty minutes. Your daddy and I are strongly considering changing your napping schedule to help you sleep at night. I'm not so sure that it will work (or that I want to deal with a cranky Thomas all day long). We shall see...

In happier news!

Your mouth found your feet! And everything else... You put everything you can get your little (strong) hands on into your mouth. My clothes, your clothes, my hair, your daddy's hair, all your toys, and your daddy's playstation remote. You sleep in your pack and play at night time - mostly swaddled, but we are working on transitioning you out of it...

You smile at everyone you meet, especially if they tell you that you are pretty.

You are in size 2 diapers, 3 month and 3-6 month clothes. Maybe about 15 pounds.

You and Giselle play together!! Well, she brings you her toys but you don't throw them. You pull her hair but she doesn't bite you. I call that playing! Or at least progress...

You got baptized a second time at our church here in Baton Rouge.

You went to the pumpkin patch and couldn't stop looking around long enough for a good picture...

You are still a joy, Thomas. Every. Single. Day.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I was aware you were a week late. And was not happy about it.

    I don't understand it, but he just gets cuter and cuter each month!! How does this even happen??!! And that smile! He's such a darling!!
