Monday, February 16, 2015

NINE Months!

I think it every time the 6th of the month rolls around, but man, oh man, this time especially. Where has the time gone? Thomas has changed so much in even the past 30 days. He cries now when he gets in trouble or when I tell him that he can't have something. (Sorry, kiddo. I'm never going to let you chew on your daddy's laptop cord.) His face lights up when Matt walks in the door. He doesn't just watch the Roomba do its thing now, but chases it around in his walker. He can play by himself for several minutes before even looking up to see what else is going on. Sometimes, at night, if I'm really lucky, he'll sleep for more than three hours at a time. He's old enough to miss me when I'm gone. I never thought it would happen, but it has. I don't get a "daddy smile and wiggle," but I get a "come and pick me up now look." He only naps twice a day, instead of three times. He eats food! Pureed food, but he eats it! He is all grown up some days and still my baby on others.

He will still curl up in the fetal position when I attack him with the tickle monster. He'll still stare up at me like I hung the moon first thing in the morning when I go pick him up out of his bed. He still wants to sit in my lap to read books instead of sitting on the floor. He still wants to hold my hand when he nurses. His eyelashes are still impossibly long. He still giggles and giggles when I "eat" his hands or feet. He's nine months old, but he's still my baby.

He weighs 19 pounds and 5 ounces. He's 28 inches long. He wears size 3 diapers and 9-12 month clothes. Nine month pants are really too short for him now. With this spring weather, he's been wearing shorts lately!!

He has eaten peas, butternut squash, and sweet potato. He hasn't mastered a sippy cup, but will drink water out of an open cup...

As of his 9-month birthday, he hasn't learned to crawl, but can crawfish like a champ. See below... He doesn't sleep all night long. He still loves being swaddled. Since he isn't rolling around at night, we're leaving him to it. I'm sure that we'll change that soon, but not tonight. My resolve to get him out of the swaddle fluctuates with how tired I am.


Reading in the tub. 

Reaching for his mobile. 

Giving kisses!! He gives them open-mouthed. It's cute and slimy.... 

Look closely at this picture.
 So, let me tell you about that picture just above here. I ran out to get a king cake. I hurriedly brought it in the house and put it on the coffee table that is now used as a barrier between the kitchen and the living room so that Thomas can't "walk" into the living room while I'm tied up in the kitchen. Usually, the coffee table is clean because Thomas is a reacher and a puller. I forgot to move the cake off the table before I put Thomas in his walker. I was washing dishes when I heard the crash. I turned around, saw the scene, laughed, and took a picture. That poor king cake never saw it coming. Ignore the roomba.

It's all smiles and kisses until it isn't. 

Happy Mardi Gras !
 Happy nine months, T-baby!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That bottom picture is adorable!!! Oh my gosh, he is so precious!

    The king cake though...I might have cried. Lol!!
