Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I'm skipping Christmas... and heading straight to New Years.

That's right, I haven't posted since late November. What can I say, life has been busy. And, more so, I've had a bit of a writer's block. The block is still there, but I'm trying to forge my way through it. I've never been one for New Year's resolutions. Sure, I'll think about it, maybe "make" a few, but come January 5th or so, I'm out with the new and back to the old. They say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. If that's the case, I'm already on the right to track to fixing my inability to be resolute about my resolutions. (ha, see what I did there?)

In order to help me remember and have some sort of accountability (even if it is virtual), I've decided to list a few of my resolutions. Perhaps, by the end of the year I'll have stuck to some of them and maybe checked off a few things on my list to become a better person.

1. I really would like to eat better, exercise more, and be a bit healthier. Perhaps if I get serious about it, it'll be easier to help that husband o' mine to get serious about it too.

2. I'd really really really like to pass the bar this time around.

3. I want to critize less, judge less, and bite my tongue more.

4. I want to be good at being crafty. My mom has this special knack for making any craft she puts her hands on be perfect. I have this knack for subpar construction (mostly due to my lack of patience) that I detest. I'm going to work on my patience and learn to be a better crafter.

5. I want to be a better wife. I'm not sure what all that entails just yet, but I'm going to work on it.

6. I want to go see my parents more often this year.

7. I want to be less anxious about the future and enjoy the way things are now. 2012 is going to be year full of new adventures and I want to be able to enjoy them without worrying.

8. I want to make a budget and stick to it. In fact, I think I'll make that budget this weekend. It'll be accurate through June at least. After that, there's no telling.

9. Read more!! Well, perhaps I should say read more different books. I need to put HP and P&P on the shelf and read other things. Real things, books of consequence. Well hello Kindle for Christas, aren't you going to be handy.

10. Learn to cook new things and organize my recipe collection. I can do that. It'll be fun AND delicious. Oh look, a trip to Office Depot may be in order. Shame.

Okay, I'm done. Ten resolutions that seem do-able. January 1st, I'm so ready for you. I guess January 6th will be the real test...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

I've noticed that November seems to be the month of lot of things on the Facer. No-shave November, pleas for new Thanksgiving side dish ideas, oh, and football. I don't think I can open my home page without seeing someone comment on something football related. I've also seen statuses of people stating one thing each day for which they are thankful. I don't get on FB everyday so I didn't feel inclined to join the Thanks movement. Instead, I decided that I would make my list and post it for Thanksgiving thereby allowing me to publicly state my gratitude AND fulfill my weekly post obligation that I've promised myself. So, here goes, in absolutely no particular order. I tried to make it all rhyme, but failed. I'm only doing 24 because Thanksgiving is on the 24th this year. If you don't like it, feel free to add in your own.

1. I'm thankful for having another year to give thanks.
*I know, that's a lame way to start, but I couldn't help it.

2. I'm thankful for completing law school. No, it didn't go as well as I had planned, but I did it. I wish I could say that having a law degree is rare and special, but I'd be lying. It seems like everyone and their mom has a law degree these days. Yay for jumping on the bandwagon.

3. I'm thankful for a job. Not all of my law school friends have jobs and I couldn't be happier about mine. I get to work in an area that I like and am familiar with. Some days I am good at what I do, some days, I am not. But hey, I'm still learning. As they say, it only goes up from here.

4. I'm thankful that Matt and I are finally married. It was years in the making, from before our births, I guess, and now it has finally happened. We couldn't be happier. Nope, that doesn't need an exclamation mark. It's a statement of fact. Yes, there are strong feelings involved, but the period won out in my mental debate of which form of punctuation to use.

5. I'm thankful for my mom. She and I have had our differences over the years, but when I need her most, she's always there. She orchestrated the perfect wedding. Nothing could have made it better. I'm thankful that our relationship is now that of two adults. While she is still my mom and I call her every so often for motherly advice, for the most part our calls are just to chat, not find out the best way to cook potatoes.

6. I'm thankful for Marla. We are both very different than we were six or seven years ago, but essentially, we are still the same. I'm logical and at times, boring. She's spontaneous and fun. I think we've always been that way and will always be that way. She kind of evens out my seriousness and I (like to think) keep her in check. Like we've always said, if we were one person, we'd be perfect and far too much for anyone to handle. And. I'm thankful that she's graduating in May. Dr. Mar is almost official!!

7. I'm thankful for having been able to spend time with my mamaw and nanny here on Earth. They are both gone now, but I'll never forget them. The holidays are hard without them, but we carry on their traditions. Christmas isn't Christmas without someone using a Saltines box as gift packaging. Thanksgiving isn't Thanksgiving without rolls - they don't have to be homemade, they just have to be delicious.

8. I'm thankful for Daddy!! He always knows the right thing to say to make me feel better. He is the backbone of the Jordan family and we'd all be lost without him. The guitar-strumming, firewood cutting, fantastic-bench-making backbone.

9. I'm thankful for Nicholas. He has decided to bite the bullet and get his degree. I'm hoping the spring or summer. AND... he is getting MARRIED in 2013. Trust me, that isn't that long away. Laura Beth is going to spend Thanksgiving with the Jordan family. I hope she is ready because we tend to get a little loud.

10. Jeffrey and Kat have a baby!! His name is Henry. Even though I've only spend about five minutes with that bundle of goodness, I'm pretty sure that he's perfect. Jeff is still working hard and Kat is completely occupied with Henry. I'm glad that they are ready for that, because I am not.

11. I'm thankful for having the Margarets in Shreveport. From crafting to Top Model, I've loved being able to spend non-law related time with y'all!

12. I'm thankful that Judith is almost done with everything. I'm glad that Kyle's diabetes is under control. And, I'm ready for a Roberts baby. But I can wait until y'all are ready. Also, I'd like to be an "aunt" to said Roberts baby.

13. I'm thankful for having fantastic friends like Ash and Jada from high school. We certainly were a handful back then, and some things haven't changed. I still can't believe that Jada has kids and the older of the two is nearly four! Just imagine what changes will take place by this time next year. Crazy.

14. I'm thankful for the washer and the dryer. I admit, being the one in charge of the laundry has goes in 'cycles' of fun (get it!), but there's no way I'd willingly do more than I have to by hand. Thank you Mr. Fisher!

15. I'm thankful for Giselle. No, we haven't always seen eye to eye, but she kept Matt company for the past three years and has made him happy. She may not say much, but she does the darndest things. Including barking at 5 this morning. Thanks G. Really.

16. Papaw!! I'm so glad that he is with Mom and Dad now. He's less lonely. We don't worry about him being on his own as much. Mom can take care of his needs (with a little help). But most importantly, he isn't alone anymore. He gets to be a part of everything in the Jordan house. AND, he doesn't have to travel for the holidays! He's already at the hottest place in town. Over the years I've learned a lot from him. Like how silence is a good thing. How showing true character isn't always what you say, but how you act.

17. I'm thankful for all the support Matt's parents have given us over the past few months and the upcoming few. That fourth year of medical school is a whopper on the back account. They've let Matt borrow their car for a month to drive to and from Georgia. They've given Matt a place to stay while he is off pursuing his dream. And they've given me peace of mind. That's a lot for me, a planner.

18. I'm thankful for the colder weather that is bound to come and stay for a bit. I like low electric bills and snuggling. Notice, I said stay for a bit. This little breeze isn't going to last.

19. As mentioned in my last post, I'm thankful for chocolate. I'm so glad that there's something material that loves me as much as I love it. I mean, once I eat it, it never leaves. Just look at my hips!

20. I'm thankful that Christmas is coming. I really like Thanksgiving, but Christmas is my favorite. I love the music, the decorations, the extended family time. And of course, the reason behind it all. I love hearing the Christmas story and knowing that little baby Jesus grew into the ultimate sacrifice for me. That's something to be thankful for, for sure.

21. I'm thankful for my health. In this day and time when injury and illness seems to run rampant, I'm glad that I am healthy. The prognosis looks great for a long and happy life.

22. Kind of like Giselle, I'm thankful for Emma. She has made Nicholas happier just by being there. I'm glad that he has her and I'm looking forward to meeting her tomorrow!!

23. I've been waiting for this number! Matt, I'm so thankful for you, and not just because you wash the dishes. I'm thankful and incredibly blessed to have you in my life. The past few years have been tough, but we're done with them. We're (finally) married and will get to see each other almost every day of our lives. Granted, some of those days may be through Skype, but still. I wouldn't have traded the past for anything and am loving the present. Our future is going to be incredible.

24. I'm thankful for K-Love. I listen to it almost every time I'm in my car, and it really does make me happier. Sometimes the stories make my cry, but the songs fill my heart with joy. I'm a huge fan K-Love, just not during the pledge drives...

Alright, done.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

S'more to love

I have a minor confession to make.

There are few things I love more than chocolate. Sometimes, it takes a bite of plain, unadulterated ambrosia to get me through the day. And other times, chocolate and I hang out just for fun; no dependency at all. One of things I love about chocolate is that it can be used to create so many wonderfully wonderful sweet things. Like s'mores. Like homemade s'mores. Like deliciousness in a not-so-tidy sandwich. Like this:

Matt created that s'more from scratch. Well, all but the chocolate. He made the graham crackers and the marshamallows. And he made the biggest mess our kitchen has ever seen. And then he left for Georgia the next day. I'm still not sure I have all the powdered sugar out of the grooves in our kitchen floor. Okay, I do, but it WAS a super big powdered sugar explosion. I'm not sure going through all that trouble was something worth doing every time I get a hankering for a s'more, but it was special. And delicious. And messy. And since there was a whole pan of marshmallows and graham crackers, more to love.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Peaches, Pandas, and Picture Shows

What do those things have in common?

If you said "they all start with the same letter," you'd be right. If you said "Georgia!," you'd be more right. In the multiple choice test of life, the answer "Georgia" wins.

Over the weekend, I went to visit Matt in Augusta. I flew!! On a plane, not with my own wings. I don't have wings.

I have to be honest though. While we did see pandas and a picture show, we didn't eat in peaches and the only peaches we saw were pictures. Like in the one below.

Augusta is very close to South Carolina - like 10-15 miles. I don't remember exactly. I was too busy looking out the window at the fall colors that I've never seen before. I didn't take any pictures so you'll just have to take my word for it. The foliage was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

No, we didn't go see a Star Wars movie, we went to see Puss n Boots. It was cute, funny, and slightly inappropriate. This cut-out was just begging to have Matt's face in it. I think he played his part quite well.

Here's a snapshot at the gates of the University of Augusta. We were stopped at a light beside it and I just had to go get a picture with it. That's right, be jealous.

That's it. Four pictures worth posting. I didn't take any pictures at the zoo, none of the pretty leaves, nothing from the many airports I was in. I couldn't take a lot of pictures; I was too busy holding my husband's hand. Six more days and he'll be home!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

As Seen In Shreveport - Halloween edition

Yeah, yeah. I know it is past Halloween. Let's face it, I get distracted. It happens. This post took a lot of research, so it took me a little longer to get it ready. Enough with the half apologies, let's get on with the Halloween overload.

Lately, I have been taking it to the streets to get some exercise. Thanks to Pinterest and the latent creativity of the residents of South Highlands, Shreveport, my route was full of seasonal scenery. I took my camera with me a couple of times to take pictures of my favorites. Trust me, this isn't everything that I saw. I didn't get to take a picture of the inflatable-laden, over-the-top Halloween house because its residents were always at home. I'll go out again tonight and see if the decorations are still up. There may be a Part 2!

First, the wreath for Margaret:

That owl is adorable and looks like it would be fairly easy to recreate. MM, I've decided that you need a wreath on your door. What do you think? Christmas is coming!

Next up, Mr. and Mrs. Scarecrow.
I thought this couple was just adorable. They didn't always sit on opposite ends of the bench though. I guess in this picture they were in a fight. I hope they've made up by now.

Next, the cat.

When I first looked at this house, I thought the cat was just a statue or cutout. Then it turned its head. I might have shreiked.

And the spider house.

Spiders are creepy. No doubt about it. This house was probably the creepiest. I actually wanted to go take a closer look to see how they made the spiders but was a little afraid. Not of the people. But of the spiders.

And, finally. The monster house.

This one obviously took a lot of time and thinking. I noticed that I wasn't the only one who took a picture of it. It's visible from a popular park in the area and I'm sure was enjoyed by many. Thanks house residents, you really took the extra step and made me smile.

I hope you all enjoyed the Halloween edition of As Seen in Shreveport (an ardent love style). Be on the lookout for a Christmas follow-up. I just need to figure out how to make my camera take pictures in the dark...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oh Henry!

Why no, I am not referring to the candy bar. Seen here:

Though, I have admit, the way Wikipedia describes it (peanuts, caramel, and fudge covered in chocolate), the candy bar leaves me drooling. The actual Henry that I'm talking about doesn't make me drool. In fact, he's the one doing the drooling. Most likely. Probably. Maybe. Well, I don't really know. I have never seen him drool, but he most likely does. Okay, probably does. Whatever, you get what I'm trying to say.

Actually, on September 26, 2011 (the day after my godson's 2nd birthday in fact), my very first nephew was born. Henry Downing saw his first light at about 2 in the morning (it was friggin' early, forgive me for not remembering the details) and weighed about as much as a baby whale. Oh Henry, I'm just kidding. Henry did pull down an impressive 9 and some change pounds. We've all decided to let Henry have the title of heaviest baby of our acquaintance and not even try to top him. Thanks for the challenge, but no thanks.

Mom and Dad (my own Mom and Dad, not Henry's. That would be weird if I called them "Mom" and "Dad".) got to see the little tike (yeah, yeah, I know, Henry's not exactly little) the day of birth. Proof:

I don't know what their grandparent names are yet. Which kind of stinks on my part, I know. I think I'm still in denial about not being able to have a say in that. Stupid older brother having the first baby. Geesh. Poor Daddy was super tired after the labor-fest. I called about 9 the next morning and woke him up. I kind of felt sorry for him. Then I remembered that he actually got to see the baby that day while I had to go to work and that pretty much killed the guilt. Sorry Pops.

THEN, MARLA. got to see him. Same day. Really. Here:

I think he looks like a snuggle bunny in this one with Marla, but even more so in this one:

Sunngle bunny? Ewok? You decide. Oh HENRY!

Matt and I got to go down and see Henry in real life the Saturday after he was born (he was born on a Monday). We only stayed about four seconds because we were both exhausted, but that extra two hour car ride was worth it. That kid is precious.

Matt isn't too sure about babies these days. I think he got scared when he spent a block in the OB/GYN department at the hospital. Or maybe it was when I went on a baby clothes shopping spree. Or maybe it was my little comment about the day (far far away) when he and I have a baby. Though, I think with Matt's genes, it may be a baby bear. I mean, look at all that hair.

Henry and his Aunt T! Face it, "Tara" is hard to say for a kid. I mean, I couldn't pronounce it properly until I was about 12. How could I expect a little baby to? I couldn't. So I gave myself a name. I also like to think that it reflects my ethnic background. What?

There. I couldn't have a post about Henry without showing you the whole fam. There's Henry's daddy and mommy. I would tell you their names, but that is a little too much information for the world to see on this public blog.

Oh Henry, one more thing. Aren't you glad that your name isn't really O Henry. I mean, you could end up looking like this:

Ten points to the first person who can tell me who O. Henry was. Negative ten points for looking him up on Wiki - which is what I did to get his picture.

One more thing! A video. Here - turn your sound up!:

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I wish I was.... crafty.

I try. Really hard. I have all these great ideas, but then, when I try to create those ideas in real life, I tend to come up short. Sometimes my "vision" morphs into something that I can be proud of even if it doesn't look like what's in my head. When that happens, I just forget my idea and pretend like what I actually made is exactly what I intended. Like that wreath that I posted about last week. I didn't mean for it to look like that, but that's how it came out. It works because I like it, but it isn't quite what I had in mind. I'm dealing with it.

In other crafting news, I started another adventure because I wanted a "thing" to be mine. You know, a "thing" that I do for occassions. My mom's thing (is pretty much anything, she can do it all) is making bows. Give her a little ribbon and she can pack a wrapped gift look like a million bucks on top of a box. She also makes jewelry like nobody's business. And meals. And weddings. She can do it all. She may not vacuum in a dress, but she's the ideal mom. Seriously. Okay, now that I've gotten all gushy, back to my "thing." It's baby season. As in, the season in my life when my contemporaries have babies. I've got baby gifts coming out of my ears. Store bought baby gifts. Granted, I had a lot of fun picking out those gifts and some of them are absolutely-stinking adorable, but they are store bought. The kids will grow out of them within three months and then the not-exactly perfect onesie that I fell in love with as soon as I saw it, will go in a drawer or a box to be used on the next baby. I want to be able to give a gift that means more. So I decided that my "thing" would be baby quilts. Do I sew? Eh, so-so. (See what I did there? Pretty cute, huh.) I took Home Ec in high school which gave me a refresher course after learning the basics from Mom and Mamaw. Since then, I've puttered.

Oh, that needs a quick hem? I can do that.

Need a button? Hand it over.

Make a blanket out of nothing but cotton fabric? Never.

Well, I guess that saying is true. Never say never.

For my birthday this year, Matt gave me a few start up quilting supplies and got me set up to take quilting lessons from a friend's mom. He even got a friend to go to those lessons with me so we could be crafty together. The problem? The DIY gene skipped a generation. I have no natural talent. None. So, I'm forcing it. Kind of like how I forced basketball all those years ago. Kind of how I force public speaking. I'm forcing myself to be crafty. Thanks to Pinterest and my imagination, I've got all sorts of ideas. So, armed with my ideas, a mission (to have a "thing," come on, keep up), a sewing machine, and a Margaret, I started the quilting lessons.


Here are my pre-first lesson materials.

At the first lesson, we learned how to make squares. Think this is easy? Think again. I have two degrees, including a friggin' doctorate, and still had trouble.

Notice that this white-looking-but-actually-cream-colored-fabric wasn't in my pre-first lesson picture. I decided I didn't like that other brown and used some scraps. I like how it turned out, but may not even use these green and cream squares. Or since the quilt that I'm attempting is dark brown and mint green (like mint chocolate chip ice cream), maybe I should call them green and creme squares.

There. that's the piled up beginnings of my quilt. 36 big squares of 144 little squares to be sewn into to 9 squares to make one rectangle. I can never remember - is it true that a square may be a rectangle but a rectangle may not be a square? Or is it the other way around? Maybe that's one of the reasons that this whole craftiness thing doesn't always work out for me - I'm not the best at math.

Oh well, I'll keep you updated with my forced crafting. Perhaps, like how forcing a smile can cause you to smile maybe forcing craftiness can cause me to be crafty. Only time will tell.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Fall.. my favorite season.

It's true. Well, as long as you consider from September to mid-December as Fall, then I'm all about me some Fall. Or Autumn. It matters not to me what you call it. In fact, I think I've blogged about my love affair with Fall before. Look through the archives if you want to see it; I'm not hip enough to know how to link it.

Well, it's finally below one hundred degrees so I've declared that it is time for Fall. No more snow cones. No more salads. You've been fun, but I'm through for about 7 months and then I'll be all about you again and texting Marla in the middle of the day in the hopes that I will trigger her snow cone impulse and she'll ask me to go with her. But for now, so long sweet goodness.

As for the "salad side of summer," I'll admit, I wasn't always the biggest fan. But then, I got a big girl job and needed a light lunch. So then came the salads. Like this one:

I ate that whole platter-full in one sitting. Wait, I'm lying. Just kidding. It actually took me about two weeks. After some friends came over to help me. True story.

Even though summer is gone, it was a pretty darn good summer for me. I graduated law school (Praise Jesus) and got married (finally)!

Know what being a old-married-woman has done to me? (Yep, it took me about ten minutes to think up that segue and I'm still not sure it works.) Made me have an uncontrollable urge to make things. Like real meals. And decorations. And quilts. The quilts thing is another story, though. A sad, sad story. You've seen the meals (go back to the first edition (and only, so far) of Medman and Le Gal) so now it's time for the decorations. Nope, you don't get to see the house before and after pictures. First, we'll start with the front door. As pictured below:

I made that. Yep, for reals. Well, me and Hobby Lobby. The wreath, not the door. I'm pretty excited about it. Hang on for more stuff later. But don't hold your breath, you now how I am about frequent posts. Or how I'm not. As in, I'm not a frequent poster. Perhaps, I should say that I'm not a frequent blogger. Who knows, I may surprise you.

Happy Fall!

Friday, September 2, 2011

He's coming home TODAY!

This is it. I've been waiting for this day for more than a month. Granted, he's been gone for just a month, but I was looking forward to his return day before he even left. You know, it's kind of like missing someone before they've gone. Same thing.

In about 8 hours, that man of mine will be pulling into our driveway and I'll be running out the front door. We saw each other two weeks ago in BR, but it's different when it's for good. And by "for good" I mean about a month. But, hey, I'll take what I can get. I am SO excited!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What's not to love about vinegar?

Know what you get when you go to your parents' house and they have lots of garden-fresh veggies? A to-go bag. Or in my case, two to-go bags. We call it "grocery shopping in the cabinets." It's a good system for everybody. Especially my pocketbook.

The only items in my grocery bags that I didn't have an immediate use for was the peppers. What can I say, I'm just not a pepper eater. Or a pickled-pepper eater for that matter. In fact, the only people who I know that eat peppers whole are my papaw and my daddy. On the other hand, I know lots of people who like pepper sauce. You know, peppers and vinegar. In a jar. Sitting on your nanny's table. I decided to use my new found summer bounty to make pepper sauce for years to come. To make it pretty and colorful, I went to Target and bought a habenaro and a chili pepper. Orange and red, respectively. After that, I just needed some white vinegar and a jar with a band and lid. Normally, the jar is smaller. Like a pint. I didn't have a pint. So I used what I had.

After washing those pretty peppers, I cut the tops off. Muahhahaha. That was supposed to sound evil. At least it did in my head.

Then, put your peppers in a jar and make it look somewhat asthetically appealing. I added a couple cloves of garlic for fun. Top it off with vinegar and put the lid on. Stick the jar in a cool, dark place until you get ready for it. It basically lasts forever.

What to use the sauce on when it is done? I don't really know. Daddy pours it on cornbread, peas, and other stuff that I can't remember. You could put it on whatever you want. Just not dessert. That would be less than tasty.

Monday, August 1, 2011

It is finished (for now).

I'm done with the Bar exam!!! I'm about 100% positive that I didn't pass it so I'll have to start studying again pretty soon, but for about a week, I'm going to take the week off. No work, no studying, just whatever I want. Because I am a list-maker, I made a list of the things I can't wait to do. Here are some of my favorites:

1. Clean my house. It needs it. Badly.

2. Cook fun things for supper. Things that take more than two minutes in the microwave.

3. RUN!! Well, walk and jog. I haven't exercised in months.

4. Finish all those thank you cards I have left to write. I'm rather excited about this because I've had to put them off for so long and I got some major thanking to do!

5. Read. For fun.

6. Merge the bank accounts. I know, it's about time.

7. Unpack the last of my boxes and box up some things that we just don't have room for right now. I had to add "right now" because I hate ending sentences with prepositions.

8. Not feeling guilty for doing something else than studying. Like blogging. Or sleeping.

9. Starting to wage a war against the dog hair in the house. I. will. win.

10. Not having to cross everything off my lists. This time, it really can wait until tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hey Mikey! I think (s)he likes it!

These days, it takes an awful lot to make me feel like I've done something successfully. Today, I completed a task of epic proportions.

I taught Giselle how to drink water.

That's right ladies and gentlemen, she didn't know. I should qualify that statement. G refused to drink water outside. Why? She doesn't like to be outside so by not drinking water she made herself all hot and bothered. Her absolutely pitiful state made me, of course, feel guilty about how hot she was, so I would let her inside the house where she would immediately run to her water bowl and drinking like a her throat was on fire. Which it undoubtedly was as it is about 128 degrees outside.

The problem with G being in the house is that I want her to be an outside dog. What? Yep, outside. Even though I started putting water outside for her everyday, she wouldn't drink it so the vicious cycle continued. Until today.

I filled her bowl with ice - which she loves - and water. I took it outside and invited G over to me. After some hesitation, she came within arm's reach. I dipped my hand in the bowl and then held it to her little mouth. She didn't get any closer, but she did lick my fingers. I did it again. With the same results. Then, I got a piece of ice and offered it to her. She took it and ran. I went inside to see what would happen. After she played with the ice, she sauntered over to the water bowl. And drank!!! And played, but who cares? She drank!!

Then I got my camera. So I could share my triumph with the world. Please ignore my giggling. And the mess of the house and yard. It will be clean in about 17 days.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Yet another post with numbered sentences

1. I don't like eggplant casserole. Never have. Never will.

2. It is very likely that I am going to be taking the Febuary 2012 bar. No, I don't need any encouragement. It's just a strong, strong possibility.

3. Olay bar soap > Dove bar soap.

4. Hershey's special dark > Dove dark. I think I just got an evil look from females everywhere, but it is true.

5. Two people make more than twice the mess of one person. Fact.

6. I miss exercising.

7. I am a homebody, but I go a little crazy if I don't get out of the house every day.

8. Lately, Giselle will come into the room I am when Matt is not at home. However, she just lays down as far away from me as physically possible. With her back to me. Is that progress?

9. I've had a cold for about 12 straight days now. If it doesn't end soon, I may die. It has been fantastic for studying. Really.

10. A day that I don't have to dry my hair is a good day. A day that I do have to fix my hair isn't necessarily a bad day, it just has a little bit farther to go.

11. Fire ants hurt about the same as non-fire ants but leave a much bigger mess behind. I look like I had a bit of Fever Fudge, but without the fever.

12. I can't wait until I can go to sleep before 10 p.m. on a regular basis. Does that make me an old lady? Perhaps, but I'm completely okay with it.

13. I have a hard time relaxing. I'm not sure that I know how to do nothing anymore.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Vacation number two

Perdido Key, Florida. 2011. Hoffmann family vacation - that is, with Matt's parents and brother.
Pictures mostly, I don't have time to write.

at Lulu's. Lucy Buffet's resturant in Gulf Shores. It was fun, but so stinking hot that I will probably pass next time.

Looks familiar? This is not Mexico, but a pool in Perdido. I studied. Matt swam.

Matt and Little Boy Blue went fishing. They caught several trout (and other, non-edible fish) which we had for supper. Matt cooked them too, of course.

A dolphin? A shark? A little boy in cool googles? No one really knows.

Look! LBB actually smiled!!! Still no teeth, but we're working on that.

The end. No more Perdido. Back to studying.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Adventures of MedMan and Le Gal. Dinner for Two

On a hot and sunny day in June, 2011, MedMan and Le Gal promised to journey through life together and do all they could do fight off the evils and hardships of everyday life. Their exciting exploits have been recorded for sharing in the hopes that others learn from their experiences.

The first struggle - cooking a real meal. Together.

The culprit: Frozen chicken drumsticks (that never should have been purchased by MedMan).

The scene: The kitchen, Gilbert Drive, Shreveport, Louisiana

Tool of destruction: Cast-iron grill pan

The story: Most people that know Le Gal know that she has recently discovered a cooking blog. Our Best Bites is a treasure trove of simple, but delicious recipes with plenty of snarky comments that add just the perfect amount of smirks. Le Gal took it upon herself to clean out MedMan's freezer which is full of freezer-burned and unlabeled packages of unknown date. The two things she could identify - chicken drumsticks and dressing. Her plan: log on to OBB and find a chicken recipe and defrost some dressing. Of course, OBB didn't disappoint and Le Gal found the perfect recipe: Spicy Honey-Glazed Chicken. Recipe can be found at The happy couple had all the ingredients on hand. The outside grill was at the gadget guy's shop for repairs so MedMan pulled out his trusty, but-never-been-used grill pan. Sounds oxymoronic doesn't it? I'm right for two reasons. First, it is cast iron. Pretty much perfect in every way. Second, it's a grill pan. The next best thing to a grill. Sometimes the best thing. Like when it is raining or super cold. Therefore, not so oxymoronic after all. So there.

Now, the rest of the story.

Here's the chicken all spice rubbed up and ready to go. The spice rub has about 15,421 spices in it, but so worth it. I think.

The sauce. You know, made of honey. Well, honey and cider vinegar. It was delicious. I'd make that just to drink on cold days. Or hot days. Or perfect days like April 25th. Name that reference?

There that beautiful chicken is on the smokin' grill pan. Why all the smoke? Because of the honey. Oddly enough, honey has sugar in it. When sugar gets hot, it burns. When things burn, smoke is created. In this case, it was eye-watering, open the door smoke. But, we were expecting it, so no real tears or break-downs. Tip of the day from MedMan and Le Gal: Be prepared for anything. And disconnect your smoke detector before using a grill pan and sugar based sauces.

Ta da! The chicken. Nice char from the grill pan and the honey. Carmel colored. End result: delicious.

The whole plate. Spicy Honey-Glazed Chicken, crock pot macaroni and cheese, a steamable vegetable medley, and dressing. The chicken was finally edible and THREE whole items were removed from the freezer. MedMan and Le Gal: 1, freezer 0.

Truth and justice win again.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Something to Make You Smile

Get ready for cuteness. It's all I got today, but posts full of words later. Maybe too many words - I tend to babble when I am tired. Later, as in later this week or next, I'm going to start a new adventure series. That's, right. Get excited!!

For now, watch the video. The cuteness factor is when Charlie smiles. He only smiled when the camera wasn't in front of my face. I'd like to think that was because he smiled when he saw me, but I know it was just that the camera was more interesting than I was. That's okay, Charlie, my feelings aren't hurt. At all. Okay, maybe a little. Or maybe a lot.

Oh well. Here goes.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Where I Come From

After I finished law school, I was homeless. Well, not really. What really happened is that I moved out of my apartment in Baton Rouge and back in with my parents. Boomerang child? I think not. Mom and Dad's was mainly for convenience. I could have stayed in BR until Matt and I got married but it really wasn't practical. Since I am a practical person, moving to good ol' Jottemtown is what I did.

To help fill my days I went walking every evening down Rushing Road - the road that my parents live on and on which I grew up. A few days before I moved away, I took my camera so that I could share the things that I was able to enjoy as a kid and even now, as an adult. (Yep, I am an adult now.)

Rushing Road was not always gravel. Well, it started out as gravel, then got paved. A few months ago, the parish broke up the asphalt, scrapped it all off and made the road gravel again. Some day soon (according to the police jury), it will be paved again. I'm not going to hold my breathe.

I always thought these pretty yellow flowers were pretty. I know, clever. I have no clue what they are named officially. Growing up, they had a less than politically correct name. And no, I don't use that word.

My brothers, sister, and I shimmied under that (or one like it) barbed-wire fence more times than I could possibly remember. Our yard was surrounded on all four sides to keep the cows from getting out of their pastures. We chased after escaped softballs long into our teenage years.

Now, since I am always pressed for time while studying for the bar exam and seem to have lost most of my wit, here's just pictures with no captions. Feel free to choose your own adventure and make up your own.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I'm sure that the few people who regularly read my blog know that on the Saturday before last, my beau and I got married. Proof:

Yep, that's us. Looking all kinds of spiffy. A couple of days after THE big day, we left for our honeymoon (had a blast, more later). After that amazing trip, we made it back to his home, now our home, to begin our life together. Though we have only been here for two days, we've already had to make several adjustments. For example:

1. If we hear a creaking noise, chances are that it isn't an intruder - just one of us. What? Well, neither of us have had roommates for quite awhile and had gotten used to living alone. Now that there is always someone (or something, hello puppy) in the house, we've had to learn to be less jumpy.

2. Two people make more of a mess than just one person. True story. We've gone through two trash bags in two days. The washing machine has been going non-stop and the dishwasher is always full.

3. Merging two households into one (small) house is frustrating.

4. Matt is especially attached to weird things. It took us thirty minutes to "decide" to eliminate some of our plastic kitchen storage (and by "decide" I mean that it took me thirty minutes to talk him into letting me get rid of them and then he insisted that we go through each piece separately and talk about it). Seriously. I mean, how many leftovers containers does one need? Not as many as we had. I should have take pictures. It was crazy. Speaking of crazy, Matt graduated from high school in 2002. Yesterday he allowed me to toss his prom glasses. Yesterday - nearly ten years later. He refuses to rid himself of one particular bowl. He says it is the perfect size for cereal. I tell him that I want our dishes to match. He's still holding out, but I'm going to keep wearing him down.

5. Studying for the bar while trying to merge those two households and the gifts that we have received is nearly impossible. Something has got to give. For now, it is the house. It may change tomorrow. I am having trouble coping with the huge mess that is our house.

6. I can't just have cereal for supper anymore. He can't just eat a can of chili.

7. His dog, Giselle, knows that I am going to usurp her and she is doing all that she can to prevent it. Example, yesterday we all went for a walk. She would only walk by Matt's side. Cute right? No. Not cute at all. Specifically, she would only walk on the side that I was walking on. If I changed sides, she would too. End result, I was forced about three steps behind the two of them. Like an outcast.

8. I'm a pusher. I think I already knew that, but now it is for certain. Poor Matt doesn't stand a chance. Nor does his Phil Mickelson shrine on top of the dresser.

9. Matt watches odd things on television that I didn't know about before we got married. American Choppers. Really? No thank you.

10. Being able to see each other (basically) any time we want is better than I imagined. I am so excited about today. And tomorrow. And the next day. Things are only going to get better.

Now, it is back to the bar. That's studying for the bar, not a drinking bar. It's far too early in the morning for that nonsense.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Soldier Comes Home... For a Little While

You know when you watch the news and they show a story about a soldier coming back from overseas and rejoining his family? When those bits of happiness come on the television, I have to change the channel or leave the room. I cry every time. Like a baby. It doesn't matter that I don't know the people; I still bawl. Yesterday, after eight months of deployment to Afghanistan, a friend of ours, Josh Rux, came home for his R and R. That's right, not even home for good, but home for a little while. It will be hard for him and his family in a few weeks when he has to go back, but they will be okay. They are a military family and sacrificing for their country is what they do best.

What makes Josh's return especially poignant is that while he was away, his wife, Hanna, of three years gave birth to their first child. Little Charlie is six weeks old and as precious as a June bug. He sleeps a lot but I'll take a sleeping baby over a crying baby any day of the week. While Josh and Charlie (and Hanna, of course) have seen each other via the internet, Josh had not gotten to hold him or give him a sweet little kiss. Yesterday, he got to do both. I am so glad that he is back for a visit and that he will get to spend some much needed time with his family. Hopefully, he'll be back on American GRASS for good soon and away from those Afghani deserts. Until then, we will enjoy him while he is home and pray for his safety while he is away. Thank you for helping to protect our freedom, Josh.

look at the baby toes under his arm...