Thursday, November 1, 2012

Giselle the scaredy cat

I can't believe it has been a whole month since I posted last. Well, I can believe it because it is me, but October flew by without me noticing. I'm sorry it has taken me so long. I know you were all so anxious to read new posts. Never fear! Here's a new one.

I don't have children so I can't blog about them and tell you about the cute things they are doing or how often they sleep through the night without needing their diapers or sheets changed. Instead, I have a dog. Well, a step-dog really. Matt had her before he and I got married, so she isn't really mine. When she is really sweet to me, I pretend she's mine, but when she's not very nice, she ain't no part of me.

Through this past year I've learned that Giselle has quite a few fears, despite acting like the most vicious dog in a 5-mile radius at times. Here, I've made a handy dandy list so you can print it out and put in your purse so you'll know what not to do when you see her.

1.   Giselle hates when people leave. She gets all teary-eyed when the suitcases come out. Her psychologist thinks it is because she is afraid of being left behind. She doesn't just get sad when Matt and I leave, but anyone that she "knows" better than the exterminator. She doesn't care much when the exterminator leaves. Here's a picture of her in her "safe zone" right before Matt and I left on our latest adventure:

Giselle at the first sight of suitcases
2.  Laundry baskets.  The psychologist cannot explain this one. Every time I pick up a laundry basket, she goes running. I may or may not have tried to put her in a laundry basket before that aversion began.

3.  The vacuum. I have to put her outside when I vacuum or else she goes running wildly through the house trying to escape it. I know exactly why she doesn't like the vacuum. I tried to vacuum the loose hair off her once. She was not a fan.

4.  Gabe. Yep, Giselle is afraid of our godson. To be fair, Gabe does stomp his feet and yell in a very high-pitched voice at her when he sees her. She takes it like a champ, though.

5.  Being picked up. Matt likes to pick our "little" dog up. Giselle will lower her center of gravity, arch her back, twist, and turn to make it impossible for him to get a grip on her. It's kind of funny to watch.

6.  Thunderstorms. I think most dogs are scared of thunderstorms, but I have no clue why.  She stayed with her Pops a couple of weeks ago during a lightening storm. He so sweetly turned on the inside lights so she couldn't see the light flashing outside. He said she stopped whining so I think it worked!

7.  Her kennel without her bedding. She refuses to get in it. I feel like she thinks we are trying to confuse her. She'll lay outside her kennel until I put her things back in it.

8.  The blender. You know, thinking about it, maybe she just doesn't like loud noises.

That's it. That's all I can think of right now.  Now you are informed and aware and can take precautions to keep our dog from being terrified when you come for a visit. To sum up, don't bring suitcases, leave the laundry baskets in the closets, don't clean at my house, don't pick her up, and certainly don't make a green monster smoothie. Otherwise, she'll cry. 

1 comment:

  1. Check to see if smoke alarms also causes fear. ;)

    I love that G has a "psychologist."
