Sunday, March 29, 2015

Going through the big D!

And this time, I DO mean Dallas!!! 

Last weekend, Marla and I ran another HALF MARATHON!! Like, 13.1 miles. Though, the GPS on my phone said it was more like 13.5 miles. Seriously. Get it together, Rock and Roll Series. 

Matt, Thomas, and I flew into to Dallas from Nola. Marla drove and we all met up at hotel Friday night. We put Thomas straight to bed and then pigged out on burgers, fries, and overpriced cocktails. After that, no one slept. Thomas cried and screamed and cried. I felt so bad for Marla. Like, awful. I warned her, but it was even worse than I expected it to be. There were at least two occasions that I just sat up in bed and rocked him. Ever tried to rock without a rocking chair? It takes some serious core muscles. That I don't have. No kidding, my abs were sore when I "woke up" on Saturday. About 5 a.m. Thomas got up for the day. We went to the bathroom and watched Daniel Tiger so Matt and Marla could sleep. It was awful. Awful.  

Saturday morning, we went to the expo to get our running stuff. The convention center was connected to the hotel so we didn't even have to pay any more to park.... While at the expo, we watched a video showing the course. It lied. The hills didn't even register with me. They should have. Oh. My. Goodness. Then, Matt, Thomas, and I went to a fancy mall so Marla could get some sleep. We bought some super cute clothes for Thomas, I got a few tops, and we ogled a pink diamond at Tiffany's until the security guard asked us to step away from the display. 

Outside the expo. Thomas is the dot on the i! 
Saturday evening, we met up with Luke and his GF, Kadie, for dinner. We had a quick dinner while Thomas threw a fit. I took him back to the room early so I could give him a bath and put him down for bed. I had him all ready for bed and pretty much asleep until I realized that I had forgotten to give him supper. It's funny what being awake for a million hours can do to one's mental processes. After I fed him and got him back asleep, we all went to sleep. At like 8:00 p.m. I didn't hear anyone complain. Thomas slept better but not great on Saturday night. Marla got up at 5:00 a.m. on Sunday and I didn't even hear her. I slept like a rock when I slept. We got up, had breakfast, and prepared for the run. We had been worried about rain but decided that the rain was over and we were going to just go like it would be dry. Luckily for us, the rain HAD ended. Maybe I should say that it was lucky for the 25,000 other people there that the rain had ended because my running gear wouldn't hide much if it was soaking wet. 

About 7, we headed down to the start line which was just outside our hotel. Matt and Thomas came with us to see us off. They actually stayed in the corral for several minutes after the race began. I kept worrying that overeager runners were going to plow over them but it didn't happen and they were able to escape the barricades safely before we actually got to the start line. 

Family photo!! 

We're ready!! 
He doesn't sleep at night, but sleeps in the middle of 25K people. Sure... 

On one bridge while looking at another bridge... 

I stopped for a selfie. I was over running by mile 2. 

Neither did I. A marathon wasn't an option with this run. Signfail. 

I ran passed this billboard and would have stopped for a burger if there was one anywhere close. But there wasn't. There was nothing. 

Just under halfway. I literally hated the man standing by that sign. I feel like he could have made it say 15K if he really wanted to. 

The inevitable happened. I stood in line for 5 minutes but in the end, couldn't even close the door. Several miles later, I found an open 7/11. I shouldn't have hydrated.  

There's that bridge again. 

Lemme tell you how I feel about hills. Stupid Dallas. 

I finished. I didn't finish nearly as quickly as I would have liked to, but I finished. Felt like I was going to die afterwards, but I finished. No, I don't have that euphoric feeling and haven't signed up for another one already. But that's okay. I finished. Even with the hills. Stupid Dallas.  There aren't any post-run pictures. I was laid out on the floor trying to talk myself into breathing...

Then, Mar drove us to the airport and we flew back home!! Oh, and I ate the most delicious brisket. I should blog about that brisket.

Friday, March 13, 2015

TEN Months!!

I'm pretty sure that everything has changed from the way it was just a month ago. Thomas can crawl now! When he wants to go somewhere, he is a little speedster! In fact, sometimes I think he crawls faster than I walk. This morning, we were in the living room and he heard Matt talking in the bedroom. Thomas dashed in there faster than I could put my coffee cup down. I'm pretty sure he was just a blur as he darted past me.

He's got four teeth and is eating much better! Still purees. He likes yogurt melts but can only be tricked into eating a puff. We've tried a Cheerio here and there, but no luck. He eats sweet potatoes, butternut and acorn squash, applesauce, and yogurt. He's tried peanut butter and seems to like it. He didn't take to those itty bitty star-shaped pasta though. He HATES carrots. HATES them. Almost as much as he hates avocado.

He wears mostly 12-month clothes but can still fit into some of his 9-monthers. I've taken to putting him in shirts and pants instead of onesies and he looks so much like a little man it kind of breaks my heart. I do put him in some onesies when I want my baby back.

We started the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program on February 18th and are having fun with it!! It gives me extra motivation to read to him. Thomas LOVES books. His favorite right now is actually I Love You Through and Through. I think because of the baby in it. Thomas smiles and laughs when he sees other babies. I get a kick out of showing him baby videos on Youtube, especially if the baby is laughing.

He doesn't really say words but babbles a lot. He knows words though. He responds as well as Giselle when I tell him that his daddy is home. Signing isn't going well. And house-proofing the baby just ain't working at all. He's drawn to Giselle's water and food bowls like a moth to a flame.

He waves and points when he sees someone or something he likes. It's interesting to see who he is most interested in when he go out in public. He wants everything in the counter at Ambrosia bakery. I can't say that I blame him....

And now, pictures!!
Check out his arm.... 

The dilemma of TWO pacifiers (and a mom who doesn't know how to work her camera). 

First beach trip this year! 

Had to lower the crib.... 

Meeting cousin Foster! 

"Reading" like a champ! 
Slightly weird eyes, but happy baby!