Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Day in the Life

I don't get a lot of "what do you do all day" questions. But, let's assume you did ask me what I do all day. I'll tell you. In fact, here's a little day in the life:

4:00 a.m.  - My day starts. I get up, do quiet chores, personal things, and work.

4:00 - 6:00 a.m. - Thomas fusses. Depending on the time, I feed him, just hold him, put his pacifier back in, whatev.

5:00 - 6:30: Thomas wakes up for the day! Depending on the time, I nurse him or just change his diaper. Then we read or I'll take him to cuddle with Matt if Matt is still in bed.

6:30 - Out for our morning walk!! If it's cold out, I may wait a few hours but I like to go as early as I can while still being sensible.

7:30 - back home. I attend to personal things while Thomas plays beside me or in his bouncer. Lately, I can turn the Roomba on and he'll watch it for a good 15 minutes before he gets tired and ready to do something else. Thank you, Roomba!

8:00 - Read, play, work on crawling, some chores or work if I can. This morning, I cooked a butternut squash to make into baby food.

8:30 - nap number 1!! I work on whatever I can in the house or for money.

9:15 - Thomas is up. I change his diaper and his clothes so he's dressed for the day.

9:30 - feed Thomas, then play, read, I'll usually take a quick shower here while Thomas plays in the rock and play.

10:30 - play, read, work.

11:30 - Nap number 2! I work, try to eat something, whatever I can get done.

12:30 - Thomas is up by now. If he didn't sleep well in his first nap, this nap may go long. I just feed him when he wakes up.

1:00 - work on crawling, have a little naked dance party while getting his diaper changed, read, swing outside, terrorize Giselle.

2:30 - nap number 3 and final of the day. I work, maybe start supper if I've thought that far ahead.

3:30 - feed Thomas, play, read, chores, etc.

6:30 - feed THomas again, then work on feeding him baby good. Tonight, he's getting butternut squash for the first time.

6:45 - bath if it's bath day, read the advent verses if we haven't already, put him in his pajamas and maybe read him a bedtime book or something quiet.

7:00 - feed THomas again, wrap him up real tight because he still wants to be swaddled, and sing to him until he goes to sleep.

7:20 - have supper with Matt if we haven't already, work

8:00 p.m. - Ideally, go to bed. Tonight though, I've got WAY to much to do so I'll probably stay up a bit later.

10:30 p.m. - Thomas wakes up, so I go feed him, go back to bed.

1:30 a.m. - feed Thomas, go back to bed.

2:45 a.m. - pick up Thomas, rock him gently in my arms, and help him go back to sleep. I go back to bed.

3:30 a.m. - put Thomas's pacifier back in and turn his sound machine back on. Think about whether to go back to bed for thirty minutes or just stay up. Go back to bed....

I never, ever, ever thought that I'd be a stay-at-home-mom. Ever. But here I am. I never thought that I'd have the option to work full-time from home for money, either, but I've been doing it for over a year now. It ain't perfect and I have days that are less than ideal but for the most part, we're doing okay. Being able to stay home with Thomas for this first part of his life has been such a blessing. I'm exhausted, but I wouldn't do anything differently. Though, T-baby will likely start a Mother's Day Out program in the new year. I would like to work differently (in large blocks of time) and he needs to be around other babies. While every day is similar now, I'm sure it will be much different all too soon.

And.. he's awake. Back to work!

1 comment:

  1. You are a trooper! I'm so impressed at how organized you are!
