I know. He's starting college tomorrow. |
Month Eleven was a month of firsts!! First major injury (his little mouth is just fine! The bruising has faded and his bottom and tooth teeth line up just right), first haircut, first Easter egg hunt, first softball game, first half-marathon, man! March was a very busy month for T-baby.
He's still in size 3 diapers, but he's busting out of his 12-month clothes. Carter's brand at least, most other brands fit him with a little room to grow. He's about 29 inches tall. He crawls and cruises and generally moves as fast as he can wherever he desires to go. He loves hats more than anything else in the world (except for maybe his pacifier). He adored the Easter bunny and got a little upset when he had to leave it. He is an expert egg hunter and will scurry to get an egg as fast as the other eggs in his hands will let him go. His favorite book these days is I Love You Through and Through. His favorite song is Jesus Loves Me and is his cue to close his little eyes and go to sleep. He takes two naps a day and will "sleep" from 7 p.m. until about 6 a.m. usually waking up at least twice. He opens and closes drawers and cabinets like his mission in life is to open and close drawers and cabinets. He can pull up on things that are smaller than he is and won't hesitate to use whatever is around him to do so. Thomas understands the words 'no' and 'Thomas.' When he hears either, he'll turn and look, smile, then get back to whatever he was doing - usually playing in the dog's water bowl.
Oh, and my favorite thing, when Matt gets home from work, Thomas crawls to the door as fast as he can while shrieking. Once there, he tries to climb up Matt's legs until Matt picks him up. His hilarious. And makes me tear up every. single. time.
He did have a busy month!! And already learning to work Mom by smiling when he hears "no." Lol! ;-)