Monday, November 16, 2009

Don't fool yourself.

If you see me today and I wink at you, don't let it go to your head. I did not wink at you. In fact, I can't wink, so for me to make you feel special today through that alleged wink would be impossible. Not only am I not in the mood to be winking at anyone, I can't do it. So there.

Instead of going around making people's day, I have a tic in my eyelid. Not a tick. Not a blood-sucking, lime-disease infecting insect. A muscle-spasm. A twitch. Nothing more.

I've had it all day, so chances are, if you've seen me, you've noticed that little movement of my eyelid. So once again, I must say, I did not wink at you. Don't fool yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Kyle asked me a few days ago if my eye was still twitching, because he knew what the cause of it was: lack of sleep. I told him I had eye twitching problems, oh, about 12 months ago...
