Thursday, June 16, 2011

Where I Come From

After I finished law school, I was homeless. Well, not really. What really happened is that I moved out of my apartment in Baton Rouge and back in with my parents. Boomerang child? I think not. Mom and Dad's was mainly for convenience. I could have stayed in BR until Matt and I got married but it really wasn't practical. Since I am a practical person, moving to good ol' Jottemtown is what I did.

To help fill my days I went walking every evening down Rushing Road - the road that my parents live on and on which I grew up. A few days before I moved away, I took my camera so that I could share the things that I was able to enjoy as a kid and even now, as an adult. (Yep, I am an adult now.)

Rushing Road was not always gravel. Well, it started out as gravel, then got paved. A few months ago, the parish broke up the asphalt, scrapped it all off and made the road gravel again. Some day soon (according to the police jury), it will be paved again. I'm not going to hold my breathe.

I always thought these pretty yellow flowers were pretty. I know, clever. I have no clue what they are named officially. Growing up, they had a less than politically correct name. And no, I don't use that word.

My brothers, sister, and I shimmied under that (or one like it) barbed-wire fence more times than I could possibly remember. Our yard was surrounded on all four sides to keep the cows from getting out of their pastures. We chased after escaped softballs long into our teenage years.

Now, since I am always pressed for time while studying for the bar exam and seem to have lost most of my wit, here's just pictures with no captions. Feel free to choose your own adventure and make up your own.


  1. these pictures make norman rockwell look like an amateur!

  2. =) Happy days.

    I understand the homelessness. Between July 2005 and May 2006, I moved the following times (or conned someone very sweet *cough Kyle cough* to move my stuff for me):

    July 2005: BCM house to parents' house
    August 2005: Metairie, La
    September 2005: My father-in-law's house
    End of September 2005: Apartment
    May 2006: Home sweet home
