Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Some not so great things about working from home

Awhile back I posted some of the things I love about working from home. Now, here are some things that I don't love about working from home. I know, I have a job, I shouldn't complain, but here it is.

I get lonely. Sure, I email and call work people but it just isn't the same as hanging out around the water cooler talking before the boss gets to work.

I feel guilty when I don't do housework while at home. Matt and I had a big talk when we were discussing our options. I told him that I wasn't going to do housework while I was "at work." Then I started working from home and now I do housework while at work. A load of laundry here, a unloaded dishwasher there, it happens. When it doesn't happen, I feel guilty. Because I'm at home.

I have to give my cell phone number to work people when I leave messages. I'm not a fan. But I do it. Because it's my job.

My chair at home isn't as comfortable as my old chair at work.

Okay, I'm tired of complaining. I just wanted cyberspace to know that there are always downsides to even the best of situations.

1 comment:

  1. That's one of my favorite things about NOT being a stay at home mom -- not having a clean house, lol. Or, at least, having an excuse for not having a clean house.
