Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Keep Calm and "insert stupid verb phrase here"

It's been quite some time since I've been so annoyed with something to feel the need to blog about it. However, I've been spending more time on Pinterest these days for some reason and I've about reached my limit on some things. Specifically, the "keep calm" collection of "inspirational" signs.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of the original. I think it was a brillant move by the Brits. I see it and I take a deep breath and keep going. That's what the British government wanted their people to do before WW2. I'm for it.

What I'm not for, is all the deviations. Let me share a few of the ones that annoy me the most.

What does this even mean? Following the white rabbit didn't work out too well for Alice so I can't think that's what the makers of this ickiness want me to do.

Shopping is the absolute last thing I want to do when I'm frenzied. Shopping? No.

How exactly can one "be swag?" I'm pretty sure that one "has swag." I don't get it and I don't like it.

I think this one bothers me the most of these four. Get a tattoo? When has that ever solved a problem? Never. It should say "Keep Calm and Think About it Longer."
Okay, rant over. I just don't like deviations. I need to spend less time on Pinterest. 

1 comment:

  1. I think my favorite of this collection is the "be swag." One cannot BE swag. Swag, while a noun, is not something one can be. It's like a cat. When I was a kid, I wanted to grow up and be a kitty cat. However, one cannot BE a cat, and when I became older (you know, 3), I decided I wanted to be a vet instead and HAVE a cat.

    Obviously, the creator of that inspirational motto did not have the same realization the 3-year-old me did.
