Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Happy three months, Thomas!

Last week, Thomas turned three months old!!!

July was a HUGE month for T-baby. Huge! He got his two-month shots so we did a million and one things. He went to church for the first time and was loved by all! Especially the little old men. Seriously. The men would coo at him first and then get their wives' attention. It was adorable. I even had quite the conversation with one church elder about smocked outfits. Thomas was very well behaved.

We also had Thomas's baptism at Mangham Methodist. We're going to have another one down here in September. He didn't even cry at the water on his head! Probably because it was holy water. From the River Jordan.

T-baby went on his first family vacay! To the beach, of course. We kept him inside most of the time, but took him out the last morning there. He was not a fan. Though, it was early and he is usually still asleep at that time. I might have gotten one picture of him smiling while he and I sat on the beach while Matt looked for shells. He went back to sleep in my arms as we walked back.

About halfway through July, Thomas rolled over! From his stomach to his back! Three times in one day! He's done it about three or four times since then but never when I want to video tape him. He still doesn't love tummy time, but holds his head up like a champ.

Right now, his favorite books (the ones that keep his attention and focus) are Brown Bear and The Cat in the Hat. He loves one of his playmats now - the one that lights up and runs on batteries. Seriously, he can lay on that thing for twenty minutes before he gets tired of it.

He weighs about 13 pounds, can wear Size 2 diapers but still fits in 1s.

First time to church!
Dedication at Mangham Methodist Church!

T-baby LOVES the mirror!

T-baby does NOT love the ocean.

Happy baby!

1 comment:

  1. I love his nickname: T-baby. LOVE. And what does he have to not be happy about? He's adorable and loved! =D Glad he had such a happy little month!
