Friday, February 27, 2015

Five things I've learned from being sleep-deprived

I can't tell you the last time I slept for more than 5 hours at a time. Probably before I got pregnant. Seriously. So, about a year and a half. In the past 18 months, I've learned quite a few things about myself. Because I'm SUCH a giving person, I'll share them with you.

1. The most awful thing I've learned is that I can't do math well without sleep. Mental math has always been tough for me, but man, being foggy-headed all the time makes my brain work as well as a TI-83+_with no battery. Thomas eats every three hours. He has since he was born except for the occasional growth spurt or nursing strike. I still have to write the time down so I can remember it and do the math on when he'll be hungry again. It's slightly embarrassing. And more than slightly worrisome.

2. Just because there is a sign and I read it, I may not understand. I find myself triple and quadruple checking restroom signs just to make sure. Even then, I get worried until I'm inside and see the furnishings. I have the same problem with push/pull signs on doors, exit signs on the interstate, and bumper stickers. It's a real problem.

3.  My temper is almost always close to the surface. Let's just say that it's a good thing that I'm not around many people during the day. Poor Matt usually bears the brunt of my rage. Though, I'll admit, I sometimes tell my sweet baby to "get it together, Thomas!" but in a loving tone. Really.

4.  I'm always tired. I haven't gotten used to the lack of sleep yet. I'm pretty certain that there's a tiredness curve. I haven't gotten to the top yet. When does that happen? When will I be used to it? When will I not want to go to bed at 8:00 p.m.? Probably never. I do love to sleep.

5.  I forget things. Things that happened yesterday. Or this morning. Or five minutes ago. I don't remember what I told to whom. Or if I brushed my teeth. Or if I had breakfast. It's sad. I've been trying to do crossword puzzles to help, but I lay them down to take care of something and then can't remember where I put them. This time, the struggle really is real.

Matt and I are working on helping Thomas sleep for longer periods of time. I have full confidence that by the time we all get it mastered, I'll find my book of puzzles and go into the ladies' room without giving a piece of my mind to the restroom attendant who offered to take my coat.

1 comment:

  1. Every time I think I want a second child, I remember the sleep deprivation and how much I hated it. I shouldn't have driven those first couple of months. I didn't even know if it was morning or afternoon sometimes. =(

    But you WILL make it through. You and Matt and T-Baby. You WILL make it through. =)
