Monday, December 13, 2010

I have nothing to say

It is true, I've got nothing. But then again, I can always come up with something to say. Sometimes when it would be better if I kept my mouth shut. But, since life has been fairly uneventful lately and my blog has been rather lonely, I decided to use my talent for saying nothing when something needs to be said. Get ready for some structured chaos*:

1. My parents go to sleep at 9:00 p.m. every night but Fridays and Saturdays. On those days they stay up until 10. When I come for visits, I have to go upstairs when they go to sleep and either follow their lead or play quietly by myself. For some reason, being here makes me extremely tired so I tend to sleep a lot more than normal. I'm not complaining though, but it is weird. Tonight, I read a book. One that had ZERO footnotes or citations. I know, shocking.

2. I really really like homemade mexican food. On flour tortillas. I don't like tamales. I don't care to go to mexican restaurants but I do like chips and salsa. Nor do I like the odor that permeates my clothing while at mexican restaurants. No thank you.

3. I tried my fake tattoo bit yesterday. Fail. What? Oh, I guess I better share the story. About a month ago I had a dream about getting a tattoo with one of my classmates. I don't want a tattoo. I don't like the permanency. Odd huh? I like making plans and knowing what lies ahead, but I don't want a mark on my body that will never fade. Scars are different. I have some great (and not so great) stories to go with those scars. But back to the story. I decided that over semester break I would use a temporary tattoo to get a reaction out of my parents. You know a, Tara,-the-calm-level-headed-one-who-would-never-do-that-sort-of-thing, reaction. I planned to put it on an interior ankle, but I had worn shorts so that was out. Though I had already been with them for a few days, I always had long-sleeves on so in theory, they had not seen my wrists. Anyway, I tracked down some tattoos that looked like "me" and put one on yesterday. It lasted about two hours before Mom saw it. First, she said "what is that on your wrist?" and about one second later she said, "whatever, it isn't real." Just like that. She obviously has no faith in my wild side. Daddy, on the other hand, did not mention it. I know he saw it. I was washing dishes with my sleeves pushed up and he was hovering for about ten minutes. He saw it. But didn't say a word. I don't have the guts to ask him about it. Church was this morning though so I had to take it off. What would those ladies think of me? I don't want to know. Thus, no tattoo anymore. I may put one back on just to get my three bucks worth.

4. Wrapping presents is fun for about the first four, then it just goes downhill. There's really no need for an explanation or story. The statement stands for itself.

5. Oh my goodness. The Indiana Jones saga came on TV this week. I hesitate to use the word "saga" because it automatically makes me think of the Twilight saga and old Indy is nothing like Twilight. The Jones films make me happy. I typically don't care for the female actresses in them, but I don't think they are supposed to be liked by anyone other than Indy. Oh well. Speaking of Twilight, the commercial for the movie Vampire Sucks makes me laugh every time I see it. The one with the segway. The first time I saw it I laughed and laughed until I cried. I don't know why it is so funny to me. I don't really have anything against Twilight, I just think the commercial is funny.

6. I'm going to see a 3-D movie on Friday. I'm pumped. I haven't seen a movie in 3-D since I saw something at Disney World in 3-D. I went to Disney World in 1994. Yeah, I'm pumped. The tickets are going to cost the same as a new pair of shoes, but it will be worth it as long as Aslan is in 3-D. He'll be huge!

7. Seems like a good place to stop and go to sleep. I've been having headaches lately and lights tend to make them worse. Computer screens not excluded. "Not excluded." Is that a double negative?

*I can't seem to get away from footnotes in some fashion. The "structured" part refers to how I've handily used numbered paragraphs. You'll notice that the paragraphs are true to form and convey only one main point or idea. The "chaos" part refers to the seemingly disjointed nature of this post. Heck, there's no seemingly to it, it is disjointed. I'm okay with that. You don't get a say, it is my blog. So there.

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